Baltimore Comic-Con 2007
It was still a good show and the promoter does a nice job with a very efficient staff.
Cesar, Ace, Rusty and I set up on Friday and Met a lot of the Inkwell Crew.
Al Feldstein was there from Montana. Al was a brush man back in the MAD days and was one of the Editors of Mad that put it on the map. He was a very nice guy and a hot ticket.
Don "the Duckman" Rosa was hawking his wares as well. I love his Duck work. He is all tech pen and does a super job with his stories. He was busy from start to finish.
Mark McKenna had his "Banana Tail" set up and his Comics Buyers Guide Cover with Billy Tucci was really a hit with the people I talked to. Mark is one great guy.
Jim Califiore was there with his art and doing sketches. Jim is good with pencil or quill.
Cesar was busy for the two days with sketches and I inked a couple of them for people that stopped by.
Serigio was swamped with people. Who doesn't love "Groo" or the Mad Marginals.
Jim Starlin was there signing and he liked our book as well. Jim is a great Guy and I can't wait to see his new DC stuff. He will be finishing up his "Kid Cosmos" as well.
Mark Sparacio was there with his incredible art. Here he is holding a peice that Billy Tucci posed for. Mark also finished the cover to issue #1 of the upcoming "Sgt." Rock series along with Billy Tucci.
Here are some of the Inkwell members, (L to R) Cesar Feliciano, Bill Meiggs(rear), Norman Lee, Neil Volkes, and Me. These are a great bunch of guys and Bill is a great inker. Norman is not only a great inker but one heck of an artist. Neil is "Da Bomb".
Another Inkweller and one third of the Taco Trio (Andy, Tom Nguyen and Keith Champagne), Andy Smith was there Doing nice commissions and signing.
Here he is...Franchesco! He sold his sketch books out the first day so I missed buying one. He is such a talented artist and a great guy.
My "Full Mon Craze" Posse, Ace Masters (Publisher), Rusty Bartlett (Editor) and Cesar Feliciano (my favorite penciler).
Rusty was selling autographs for $1.00 each for sodas.

Brandon Wasn't able to make it as well as a few others so that stunk. But it was a great show and very productive. We enjoyed the people and sold a lot of books.
Jim Lee and a lot of others were there and they do wonderful work but they are not on the inkwell so...
See you next time.
Hey jimmy,
I've been on the inkwell (and the three/four groups preceding it) for years.. it's nice to be able to put faces to names.. maybe you should suggest to the group that every one uploads a photo of themselves (temporarily).. I've only met about 5 members, I think.. would be good to see what everyone looks like..
That sounds like a good Idea Gary.
Keithe Champagne has his photoon his blog. There is a link to it on my blog and Jesus as well.
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