Baltimore Con Update
We headed to Washington on Friday and took the Metro to all the Smithsonian Buildings.
We stayed at Motel Hell on the beltway because Yankees and two conventions took all the good hotels. The toilet was broke the first day and no fridge or microwave. the tv worked after we connected the antenna and got a few channels.
Pictures are Here
The con was a blast. I spoke with many artists there and got a lot of tips.
I am surprised at the number of inkers working on books today that are strictly marker people. No Brush, no nib. The pages look great and that's what counts.
Lou ferigno blew off a little kid that wanted his book signed for free, so put him on the sh*tlist.
Dick Ayers was there and did a sketch in my book. HE and his wife are really nice and she was really into the whole comic thing, so good for him.

Dick Ayers
I asked Don Rosa do the cover of my sketchbook. I love the Scrooge and Donald Duck art he does.
Don Rosa
George Perez was very nice to his adoring dealers who brought truckloads of books for him to sign. They really should limit these Ebay and dealer guys to two hundred copy limits...SSHEEESH!
I got some great instruction from Mike Manley, who edits Draw! through twomorrows publishing. He's a great guy.
Met up with fellow Inkwell members And had a good time. Went to the Hotel bar and got hammered on one drink...Met up with Mark McKenna and Jim Califiore and some others there.
Saw Jim Starlin and got the critique on the Superman he drew. He seemed to like the inks except the hair highlightas which I suck at so he showed me a method to block it in. I will be doing a lot of practicing in that.
I saw Alex Saviuk, Penciler on Superman in the seventies and Spiderman Dailies. He had some great art with him.
Anyway it was a good trip and I guess I will be off in February to the New York affair.
Bye for now....Jimmy
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