Hi Everybody!
OK here's the skinny...
New York Comic Con predictions were that artists would have a tough time selling sketches for big money and it may be slow. That was the buzz I heard. Then we got to the Big Apple around 4:00 pm on thursday, I drove a van For Larry Harrison and Rusty drove one as well. We unloaded and got to our rooms that night dead on our feet.
Friday Morning I drove the Gang over to the Javitts center and Bada-Bing! a crowd...a goodly crowd on Friday Morning. Wow! Imagine that, people must want to get in and out before the weekend. So we piled out of the van like a Barnum and Baily clown car, except for all the knee and back creaking. Jay Fife unloaded his Refridgerator size portfolio trunk and we were off.
The place was buzzing at 8:30AM with setups going on and dealers checking out the competition and the throngs were lining up for tickets.
Artist alley was sparse but that was probably because they have a quick setup and can come in a tad late. Bob Almond had our Box of Inkwell Awards comp books for those that donated last year to help support us via Ebay auctions. We also got signatures of all the contributors to sell some of these CSketch books for the 2009 Inkwell Awards.
I got about 15 Dark Avengers Sketch Cover Variants for new sketches this year to auction off.
We did very well and you can get the EBay Link for those from www.inkwellawards.com site.
I met some wonderful new artist and Inkers and it was a great show. Jammed every day. Sunday was as good as Saturday!
Now on to the Photos...

Jimmy Cheung was at artist alley. An incredible Penciller and fav of mine, not because Johnny Dell Inks him, because I love his art style.

Artist Alley was wall to wall most of the show.

The Entrance was a huge mass most of the show as well.

There were a ton of Girls and boys dressed up in some pretty good costumes.

Yeah, I Know, But What can I say ;-D

A slow lull in the day.

Did not see what was going on, Just took the picture as I was going by.

One of Larry Harrison's workers at the show.

He won't call us "Tracers" anymore...

A young lady as Nightwing...interesting...

A Ross pose.

More crowd shots... are you there?

Hey everyone said take more costume pictures.

A sea of fans and collectors.

Bob Shaw (Inkwell Awards Committee member) of Serendipity Sales (Middle) had a roster of artists.

Kris Carter, a good Friend and upcoming artist was doing well at the show.

Cesar Feliciano was in good Form cranking out sketches.

I forget why I took this Picture...

Still don't see yourself?

Myself and Philip Tan, a tremendous artist and wonderful guy.

Joe Kubert and friends.

Ist that you? ..oops maybe not.

Tell me 'bout it... I love cons.

Still a huge crowd all the show long.

Larry and crew closing down on Saturday evening.

Comic Con Legend Rusty B, pitching in.

My Goomba's, Alex Saviuk, Joe Sinnott, Jim Starlin and Herb Trimpe.

Bob Almond speaking at the Inkers Panel...

...Mark McKenna, sneaking in a few Z's while Bob Almond was speaking at the Inkers Panel :-)

Still more crowds on Sunday.

I had a temperature... soooooo....

Neal Adams and his Manager/Son, Jason (a talented sculpter) were busy throughout the show.

Larry Harrison (middle) and Jeff (My driving Buddy along with Bob Alomond) had a great show.

This is how not to take a picture...

Ther's Mark!

Jimmy Calafiore had a full sketch weekend.

Jim Starlin is one of the guys I always support.

Inkweller Jay leisten was in attendence. A super inker in his own right. He had some beautiful pages with him.

Zantanna was there...I forgot what the other character is though...sorry.

Normally I wouldn't take any photos of the Jedi because they are at every show, But there was something about these guys...I can't put my finger on it.

And of course I found a couple of my "Nieces" at the show.
Well it was fun there was tons of Art Books and things to see. Prices were not to bad there was something for everybody. So if you want a real comic con and not a pop culture show, this has to be the Best in the East Coast.
DON"T forget to comment so I know you are there.
See you very soon!
I could have sworn you were a lot older than that Jimmy! :D It's nice to put faces to names, cheers man!
Yeah, Philip Tan is an awesomely nice guy. We miss having him around!
Thanks for the pics and coverage, Jimmy!
Thanks PJ.
Hi Gerry
Philip Is an absolute delight to talk with.
Your welcome.
Hey, Jimmy! Nice job on covering the convention. I missed you at the con on that Friday. I do recall seeing the Inkwell table in Artists Alley (next to Peter Laird), but I didn’t see you there.
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