OK "Full Moon Craze" By Ace Masters, Cesar Feliciano and your truely, is inked up to issue # 3 of 6. The books will be getting spiffed up for printing soon, so as soon as it is ready I will post here. In the meantime Masterpeice comics has started selling their first book "Fireblast" through Diamond.
Also I have updated my inking gallery at
http://www.internutz.net/jimmyt/inks.htmlso check it out and remember, I may be slow until I get the pages for issues 4, 5 and 6, so if anyone needs some inking of pages or commissions I will be available. This goes for ARCHIE COMICS.
Anyway I will be looking to aquire new stories for my, "Special book", so any pencilers that have a story with original characters, I will ink and you retain all rights to your story as well as comps to the book when printed. More later on this so e-mail me if you want to be involved.
Later... Jimmy...