Tuesday, October 31, 2006

Inking up a Storm...almost

Well I am three pages out to having three issues go to the colorist and letterer of "Full Moon Craze".

So while inbetween Jesus Antonio Hernandez Rodriguez drew a Batman peice, and I had to ink it. Jesus is becoming a very proficient penciler and I like the style he pencils.

I hope to see more from him.

Meanwhile Cesar is plugging away on "Full Moon Craze" making the last few pages Killer. I guess we will do a six book arc so when these got to diamond for distribution and sale we will be finishing up the last six issues, the script is actually good on this series...could be a film in the works, you can never tell. Anyway see you next time...Jimmy

Friday, October 27, 2006

Don Rosa Rules!

Don Rosa the artist for Gladstone's Uncle Scrooge is a great guy and I had him do the covers for my sketchbooks because I love his stuff.

I got a Carl Barks page to ink a while back, and just got round to inking it. I used a #3 Brush and tech pens, with more white out then I have ever used.

The trick is to keep a consistent size to the line weights (not equal but bold). This is no easy feat, Archie has a similar look and if it varies you loose the consistency of the art, and it will be noticed by the readers.

Don uses tech pens and curves, which is a time consuming tast, and skill to keeping the art consistent. He does this well and so my hat's off to him.

It boils down to one thing, echoed by a fellow inkwell member, Practice, Practice, Practice.

See you next time... Jimmy

Tuesday, October 24, 2006

Mickey Mouse

I came across this 1938, I think, Mickey Mouse ad poster sketch and Inked it.

It was a preliminary sketch for a poster.

Anyway I like to ink a variety of things so I tried it.

Thanks for looking and see you next time...Jimmy...

Saturday, October 21, 2006

Happy Halloween......

Ok here is my version of Bobby "Boris" Picketts "Monster Mash".

He is only a couple towns over so I hope he doesn't mind. The eginning I did a weird laugh by accident so I left it in.

Have a Happy and Safe Halloween,


Monday, October 09, 2006

Amber Atoms

If you want to see some cute stuff check out Kelly Yates newly renovated website at http://www.kellyyatesart.com/

His New creation Amber Atoms looks like it will be a winner. He is a very talented artist so check it out.

See you next time...Jimmy
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